sabato 4 ottobre 2014

But really the terrorists islamic believe...??

But really, really ??

But to really extremists, Islamic terrorists believe they can
establish a state based on terror? But Hitler really believed he could rule the world?
But Stalin really thought he could spread communism in every part of the globe?
But really, the Red Brigades wanted to seize power? For
we administer, then, according to what criteria?
But really the
Proponents of the Coup of the years 60/70/80 believed to overturn democracy?
It is absurd.
Democracy can not be replaced by a dictatorship. Never!
It is better to a democratic form of power, with the corrupt, the schemers, thieves, incompetents, pimps and turncoats that tyranny.
The company "civilians", that is, we, are made up of meek people’s that only want to work and survive decently.
What are governments Tom or Dick matters little, the important thing is to enjoy the little things and be able to send fuck the housekeeper on duty no one will cut off the head, or worse, you plug the mouth.
The political form of democracy is irreplaceable. A form that provides for a parliament and a government derived from this.
The people, in every part of the world does not accept, never accept a government based on terror, violence and abuse.
Who thinks to convince people with violence is wrong.
The danger is that people’s meek, that is, we, become like the violent. This is the purpose of the violent; but does not ensue, despite the idiots who call our house (I had the misfortune to know someone) the use of napalm and the atomic bomb to address the issue.
If one day the thought of these idiots were to get into the mind of the majority of individuals with common sense, that is, we, will be the end, it will be total war.
The extremists and supporters of dictatorship smile, for the last time.
Kaspar: What has happened to us in the 70s, is now happening to the moderate Muslims. Good people who dissociates himself from these fanatics, "Not in my name", Imam who say clearly that these terrorists do not represent them, United Arab side of the Coalition led by the United States and England. I would add that no verse in the Qur'an shows the practice of beheading, no verse imposes the obligation to kill. No verse in order to seize power by sowing death. The Quran is the Will of God, as the Bible, as I believe the Buddhist. And God created us, loves us, otherwise you would not need to ask anyone's help to destroy us ...

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